Nutrition - Caffeine Review

Everyone’s an Athlete.®

Caffeine (Goldstein et al., 2010; Grgic et al., 2018).

  • Improves exercise performance, including maximal endurance and high intensity exercise.

  • Enhances muscular strength and power, and cognitive performance.

  • May enhance glycogen resynthesis.

  • Minimal to no side effect with low to moderate doses (3 – 6 mg/kg) are consumed, which vary individual to individual. High doses (≥ 9 mg/ kg) can have negative side effects, including (but not limited to) nausea, restlessness, insomnia, and anxiety.

HHM Message - Remember, we define an athlete as someone who competes in life to become trained and skilled in human movement and exercise. But, becoming an Athlete, starts with YOU! We are committed to positively influencing individuals to reach their health and human movement potential, so they can thrive and enjoy each moment in their lives. We believe you can and will make a difference that will positively change your life forever. We are here to help you become the athlete that you were meant to be! Everyone’s an Athlete.®

#EveryonesAnAthlete #HealthAndHumanMovement


Goldstein, E. R., Ziegenfuss, T., Kalman, D., Kreider, R., Campbell, B., Wilborn, C., ... & Wildman, R. (2010). International society of sports nutrition position stand: caffeine and  performance. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition7(1), 1-15.

Grgic, J., Trexler, E. T., Lazinica, B., & Pedisic, Z. (2018). Effects of caffeine intake on muscle strength and power: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition15, 11.

Please consult with a medical professional (or similar), prior to supplementation and/or altering an exercise and/or nutritional regimen. We shall not be held liable, and the information above is not nutritional advice. This information is to inform our audience of current literature and its recommendations. Find and use evidence-based information and what works for you, as you are your own unique individual. THERE ARE NO ONE-WAY APPROACHES.